Mommy/Daddy & Me: Spring 2025

Our next session begins 2/25!

Our upcoming Mommy/Daddy & Me classes will be on Tuesday mornings starting 2/25 and will run for 7 weeks. Each class runs for 45 minutes. The class is recommended for 18 months - 3 yrs, and will be taught by Kelsey Emmet Buffer (Learn more about Kelsey...)

Enrollment for the upcoming Session is now available online...

Please contact us with any specific questions… We hope you and your little one will join us for these fun-filled classes!

Class Description
Get moving with your little one and explore dance and music through exciting activities and exercises to engage toddlers’ natural love of the arts. Young movers will begin to learn basic dance and music skills through age appropriate and imaginative activities, and of course props! The class will touch on bi weekly themes like animals, shapes and nature, always ending with a dance party. Join us for music, dance and more with your little one! (Recommended ages 18 months - 3 yrs)


Our 43rd Annual Production of The Nutcracker