Alice 2021

We are very excited to announce our 7th annual production of Alice - a fun and funky take on Alice in Wonderland, featuring Jazz, Tap, Modern, and Hip Hop styles of dance!

All students (Grade 1 and above) enrolled in the current Season are eligible to participate...

Performances are expected to take place between mid-May and early-June, 2021 - specific production dates will be announced soon!

Alice rehearsals will take place on all weekends starting on January 23rd and will run up until the production during the following time slots:

• Grades 1 - 5: Saturdays between 12pm - 5pm
• Grades 6 and above: Saturdays between 9am - 5pm & Sundays between 12:30pm - 5:30pm

(These times are only windows of times we ask that parents leave open for rehearsals - dancers will not be called for five hours! Rehearsals are announced each Tuesday morning for the upcoming weekend, and your dancer might be called for one hour one week, not called the next, etc. We will also do our best to work around conflicts.)

The 2021 Scene and Cast List is available here!

Additional Cast Resources and information available here

For more about the show Visit or Performances and Galleries Website Pages


WAD Graduating Seniors - Looking Ahead to The Nutcracker


Video Updates from WAD Studios: Happy New Year and Alice 2021!