Hi!  My name is Samantha Sheppard and I’ve been dancing with the Academy of Dance for 6 years.  Dance is one of my passions, as I’m sure it is one of yours!  I’m currently working on a community project that will allow me to share my passion with other dancers who are much less fortunate than me, by donating recital costumes and leotards to their dance school.  I have chosen this project as one of my responsibilities in becoming a Bat Mitzvah this December.  My goal is to collect  gently worn costumes of all styles from past recitals, and leotards (pink, white or black), that are clean and stain-free. Monetary donations will also be accepted for the dancers to purchase new pink ballet slippers...which they are in great need of!SamanthaGroove With Me, a volunteer dance organization I’ve chosen to help is located @ 186 E. 123rd St., NYC  (275 dancers/ 33 classes a wk/ 40 volunteer teachers).  Mission: GWM uses free dance classes & performance opportunities as a tool to instill in young women the leadership, pride, spirit of cooperation, creativity, joy & discipline, needed to confront the adversity in their daily lives and throughout their future development. Collection box will be at the Academy of Dance beginning June 16, through Fall.Monetary donations:  All checks to be made out to:  “Groove With Me”.  Please mail or drop off @ Westport Academy studio (345 Post Road W., Westport, CT 06880).Also, check out their website: www.groovewithme.org. No direct donations please!


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winter showcase video