margot steinberg-sr company profile

margot steinbergLike many of the Academy girls, I started dancing when I was three years old. It was only when I joined the Academy in eighth grade that I realized the sheer joy that could be found in dancing. In the past five years, my interest has spread from just ballet to modern and jazz, and the confidence I’ve gained at the academy even pushed me to pursue hip hop, ballroom, and Latin dance as well.This year I had the opportunity to choreograph a piece for the Winter Workshop, and I chose to push the boundaries by combining modern dance with elements of hip hop. This wasn’t my first time choreographing, as I have spent the past two summers working at Buck’s Rock Camp as a dance counselor. My work with the young, inexperienced dancers let me expand my interest into more kinds of modern dance and choreography, and I’m now considering minoring in dance when I attend Muhlenberg next year.


"alice" will be performed today at toquet hall!


sanam rastegar-senior company profile