past sr company profiles

we're back!3 of last year's graduating seniors' profiles never made it to our blog ... they showed up today to say hello over this long holiday weekend and here they are, genevieve parkington, jill rappaport and grace bergonzi.  all three girls (along with danielle frost-whose profile was posted last year) were long time academy dancers and we are sorry to have missed their personal stories.  so we can only go forward from here and wish you all good luck in your college years, genevieve at the new school in new york city, jill at emory university in atlanta and grace at fordham university/alvin ailey dance program in new york city (and danielle at the university of pennsylvania-not pictured here).  feel free to "blog in" with us any time--especially with interesting stories of your younger days at the academy.  we are proud to call all of you academy girls and wish you the best there is in your futures.


inspiration: pirouettes


miss caitlin performs in spamalot