
Every year another group of talented dancers leaves the academy to begin the next chapter of their lives. This year we sendoff 7 amazing ladies who have meant a great deal at the Academy. We wish them the best of luck towards their next adventure and remind them to always visit their dance home.


Growing up at the academy has taught me a lot. One of the most important things being friendship. The girls that I'm graduating with this year are seriously some of my best friends and I can't wait to keep up with them even after our time together dancing. I would have never gotten to create such a strong friendship with these girls if it weren't for Westport's Academy of Dance. Thank you WAD!

- Harley


The studio has meant so much to me over the past years. I wasn't one of the girls that had been there since I was little but regardless it's become my second home. Everyone was so welcoming, I remember watching nutcracker my first year and being so amazed by all the girls involved. But now those girls have become part of my own life. They are unlike any others. They will always be there for me, to laugh, to dance, to listen to all my problems. They became some of my best friends and for that, I am so grateful. Even the teachers, and Kris of course, have always cared so much for all of us. They treat us like their own family. I can't imagine how different my life would have been if I never came to WAD.

- Olivia


For the past 15 years, Westport Academy of Dance has been a huge part of my life. I love coming to the studio everyday, laughing with both my friends and teachers, but still being able to improve and further my dancing. To me, dance is more then just an after school activity, but it is something I truly love. Something that has played a significant role in my journey through the studio is the annual performance of the Nutcracker. I started just in 1st grade as a sheep and angel and have taken part in the Nutcracker ever since. As a little girl, my favorite part in the show was always the lead Arabian. This past year was really special because not only was it my final show, but I was able to perform that part on stage. However, one of the best parts about moving up through the studio and finally becoming a member of Senior Company was the fact that I got to share it with the girls beside me. The six other graduating seniors along with the other members of senior company have become some of my best friends and people I know I will always share something special with. I am definitely going to miss dancing and smiling along side these girls next year.

- Andrea

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One of my best memories of my years at the academy was my last day of classes this year. The younger dancers in senior company surprised all of the seniors with a senior day! They made us a really cute sign and got us a chocolate cake. We were all so surprised and it was really nice that they did something special to celebrate our last day. My favorite Nutcracker memory is the year I was Clara. Clara is always a role I aspired to dance ever since I started at the academy, so it was so rewarding to finally get it. I think my favorite part was being a role model for the younger kids to look up to. I just hope that even after I graduate there will be dancers who remember me or looked up to me. I always looked up to older dancers growing up at the Academy, so it's really cool that now I'm in that position and girls look up to me. One of the best experiences I've had at the academy has been choreographing our graduating senior piece. This dance is the culmination of all our years at the Academy, so it's amazing to be able to create it with my best friends. The friendships I've made at the Academy are so strong and loving, and I know it is because of the incredible environment the teachers have created. Throughout our piece we tried to incorporate a little bit of each teacher's style of dance to show our appreciation for all they have done for us. This truly has been an amazing experience and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without the Academy. It's so hard to believe this weekend will be my last time dancing for the Academy, but I am forever grateful for everything.

- Megan


I have become so close with my dance friends. Every year I become closer with them. I am going to miss laughing and dancing with them. I am so thankful for the academy. The teachers made me feel more confident about myself as a person and a dancer. I am so happy that I grew up at the WAD.

 - Renee


Thinking about leaving my WAD family breaks my heart, but every memory we've made together will stay with me forever. I've learned so much over the years, not only about dance, but also about how to be a better person and I've forever indebted to my teachers and my girls for that. I'm jealous of all of the younger girls that have time left at the studio, and I hope they cherish every day like I did. Love u wad

- Blair


I remember the first time I saw nutcracker. I was in Kindergarten and I saw the Sugar Plum Fairy come on stage with her wand and I turned to my mom and said "I'm going to be her one day". This year, when I finally got to perform the Sugar Plum Fairy pas de deux, it was probably one of the best feelings ever. It was like all my hard work had finally paid off, and I knew little me was sitting in the audience watching. But still, it's hard for me to say that being the Sugar Plum was my favorite memory at the academy. Because, picking that memory would leave out my 7 amazing teachers, my 1 dedicated mother, and my 9 best friends. It would leave out Secret Snowflake, our scavenger hunts, and our sleepovers. It would leave out the infinite amount of laughter and puddles of tears. It would leave out all the people who have shaped me to be who I am today. It would leave out my family. Therefore, I cannot pick one favorite memory because no one memory could every capture my time at Westport’s Academy of Dance. I will forever miss, but never forget my journey through WAD. And, thank you to everyone who has been part of it.



celebrating 40 years


2015 student choreographer