Westport Academy of Dance teacher David Fernandez is at it again! Some Dance Company's tickets for Encore! are up and on sale at Ticketmaster. Feel free to purchase your tickets, and pass the link on and spread the word! This special performance takes place on Monday, April 28th, 2014 at 7pm and is featuring some of the Academy students!To get your tickets, Click Here! Also, please check out the Kickstarter campaign. Ticket sales can go to benefit Career Transition for Dancers, a great organization that has helped numerous dancers in transition from their performance careers.  Our Kickstarter link is below, and feel free to also pass it on to other dance/arts enthusiasts.Help support Some Dance Company on Kickstater! Click Here to make a contribution!Finally, we leave you with a fun video put together by David featuring our lovely Academy Students! 

national dance week


musical choreographers