sr. company profile: elena adams

ElenaI’ve been a student at the Academy since age 2. In my first recital, I was a “hopping bunny”, cried during the performance, and had to be taken off the stage.  I told my mom I didn’t want to do ballet anymore, but she persuaded me to give it another try. To my surprise, the following year, not only did I make it through the recital without any tears, but I also participated in my first Nutcracker, and fell in love with dancing.Now, a junior at Staples High School, and my second year as a senior company dancer, I can still say that I have that same love for dance, and it still brings me just as much excitement. My fellow dancers and I have become very close, and we’ve also developed good relationships with our teachers. The bonds I’ve made at the Academy I know not only helped me with my dancing, but will also continue to help me going forward.When I’m not dancing, I love to travel and participate in community service organizations. In fact, in a few days I’ll be leaving for Ecuador to dig water lines for a village with no running water or electricity. I’m so excited! In addition to this, I love music, spending time with my friends and family, and going shopping.With most of my schedule filled with school, tutors, ACT’s, and college visits, I love being able to come to dance to escape for a little while. I look forward to focusing my attention on something other than school, and spending time with people I know will make me smile. The Academy has become a second home, and I look forward to progressing through my last years as a student.


helping bankers dance into the future


a peek into amy's workshop rehearsal