Academy families, please take a moment to learn about NicaPhoto, a wonderful organization that is doing an enormous amount of work for disadvantaged children and their families living in the poorest barrios of Nicaragua.  We learned of their work through the Evans family who are also generously involved in a related non-profit organization, CT Quest for Peace, with a focus on sustainable solutions to similar needs in the same region.
The Evans family has graciously been part of our Academy family as former students, volunteers, and most recently as Abby has joined our staff! Please join us in supporting these extremely important initiatives, as together we can leverage the power of dance and the arts to help promote change.
Please be on the look out for signage in the studio, updates on the Academy blogFacebook and Twitter accounts where we will announce specific dates and times for planed clothing, dance apparel and school supply donations, fundraising events, and other related initiatives. A small amount goes a very long way!
We are so thankful for your support.  Anyone interested in getting more involved please email us! 
Nancy, and the staff at the Academy





senior sendoff


summer intensive experiences