Every year we ask our graduating seniors about their experience while dancing with the school. Here are some words from two very special ladies. From everyone at WAD, we wish you all the best in your future journey.


My experience at the WAD over the past decade has largely molded me into the person I am. I'm proud of the discipline I've learned, but I'm even prouder of how my WAD family has taught me to be a better person. My favorite WAD tradition is the Sr. Company huddles before every Nutcracker. Just before the curtain opens, we spread words of encouragement and love for each other, and I believe this kind of bond translates into an onstage chemistry that makes the performances so special. Thank you to my WAD teachers and all the friends I've made during my time here...I'm eternally grateful for being given the privilege to know all of you! - Miranda Saunders

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Over the past 8 years, 8 Nutcrackers, 8 Recitals, 4 Alices, 2 Workshops, 1 Kickline, and countless hours of classes and rehearsals it is finally time for the WAD chapter of my life to come to a close. My first year at the Academy I auditioned for the Nutcracker, not knowing anything about it, or the storyline at all, I aimlessly danced around as a party scene boy and cartwheeling as a candy cane. I remember at the very end of the show all the girls would pile into the wings to watch the final pas de deux of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Never did I ever think that one day I would be able to do that myself. And to do so was the proudest I have ever been of myself and the most fun I have ever had on stage, as I got to dance in the footsteps of my best friends before me and perform with girls I have grown up with from the start. Being at the academy has helped me grow so much as a person. It has built my character, given me discipline and sportsmanship, but also technique, amazing memories, and the faith that if you try your hardest you can achieve your goals. Last year I said goodbye to some of my best friends, who i had been dancing with since I was a young and awkward middle schooler. They were mentors as well as friends, they helped my survivor high school and the academy and to be able to see them everyday was such a blessing. Saying goodbye to the 7 of them was so hard, but then we said hello to 7 more girls. This year I was finally able to be the oldest, after four years of senior company, and I was able to serve as an example for them and help them as my friends has helped me. It is amazing to see how such talented girls, are such amazing people as well, and that is what is so amazing about the academy. I have no doubt that they will carry on the legacy of WAD with grace. I am thankful for all my teachers have done to me and the words of wisdom they have given me over the years, I will carry that with me always. While I will miss the sleepovers, the late rehearsals, the secret snowflake exchange, the pre show rituals, and post show tears, I am so lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Thank you WAD! -Jane Schutte


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